

The diverse and varied terrain of this karst landscape offers endless possibilities for off-road cycling.


The Karst under your feet

One of the countless opportunities for leisure activities that the Karst has to offer is hiking.


Rock Climbing

Climbing on the natural cliffs


The Underground World of the Karst

The limestone structure of the Karst surface and the specific microclimate of the region have created an extraordinary landscape both above and below the surface.

Workshops and therapies

In this fast-paced and stressful modern life we often rob ourselves of the time to really listen to our inner selves and to our needs. It often happens that while striving to reach other people’s goals, we fail to nurture our own potential and thus instead of pursuing our own interests, we end up fulfilling the wishes and expectations of others. For many of us, the easiest way back to ourselves and to our hobbies may be through group workshops and various types of therapies. To make this journey easier, we at Vila Dane, have decided to support and coordinate such activities.


We offer art workshops and alternative self-help workshops led by various experts and renowned instructors several times a year. You may also bring your own group or organize your own workshop at Villa Dane. We will be happy to provide you with our help, guidance and advice.


With its location in the heart of the Karst and its traditional courtyard closed off from curious eyes, Villa Dane is the perfect venue for such events. Only a minute’s walk separates us from the forest and the meadows where you can hear birds singing; relax and enjoy the beauty of this karst landscape.


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